contact policy vs volume constraint
Hi All,
I'm struggling with the contact policy in Pega Marketing 8.4 and I would like to ask for your help.
We use NBA Designer to configure our marketing artifacts. We have configured the Customer Contact Policy to limit the number of outbound interactions with the customers(i.e 1 email and 1 SMS per week). We've also configured an Additional Schedule in the NBA designer. If this outbound campaign runs without a Volume Contraint then the contact policy works well. After the campaign-run, the updated records can be found in the related ContactSummary DB table(-> PegaMKT-Data-ContactSummary). And of course, the next campaign-run won't produce a new outbound message due to the Contact Policy. So everything works as expected.
But my issue is when we also configure a volume Constraint for the campaign (in the NBA designer) - and all of the other configurations are still the same - then the records in the ContactSummary table won't be updated and therefore the contact policy constraint won't/can't be applied in the following campaign-runs.
In my view, the Customer Contact Policy and the Volume Constraint are different types of artifacts with different purposes. So Contact Policy still should work with Volume Constraint.
What's your opinion?
Has anyone ever experienced this issue?
Thanks in advance!
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Support Case Details***