
Last activity: 27 Sep 2015 20:26 EDT
Can Meeting Request be sent directly instead of attaching to email in pega
Currently OOTB meeting request is getting sent as .ics attachment in email.
Is it possible to send it directly?
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Accepted Solution

Hi Smita,
To send the mail as meeting invitation, uncomment the 'Handle iCalendar meeting requests' code in SendEmailMessage RUF:
/* Handle iCalendar meeting requests
ClipboardProperty meetingDataRef = MessageData.getProperty("pyMeetingData");
if (!meetingDataRef.isEmpty())
// Add a header for the
message.addHeader("component", "VEVENT");
// Format the meeting data into a string
String meetingData = FormatMeetingRequest(meetingDataRef.getPageValue());
MimeBodyPart meetingPart = new MimeBodyPart();
meetingPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(
new javax.mail.util.ByteArrayDataSource(meetingData, "text/calendar")));
You have to save-as OOTB SendEmailMessage RUF into a library of your application.
We faced this issue with 6.2 SP2. I am not sure if this issue is fixed in higher versions.
Hi Smita,
To send the mail as meeting invitation, uncomment the 'Handle iCalendar meeting requests' code in SendEmailMessage RUF:
/* Handle iCalendar meeting requests
ClipboardProperty meetingDataRef = MessageData.getProperty("pyMeetingData");
if (!meetingDataRef.isEmpty())
// Add a header for the
message.addHeader("component", "VEVENT");
// Format the meeting data into a string
String meetingData = FormatMeetingRequest(meetingDataRef.getPageValue());
MimeBodyPart meetingPart = new MimeBodyPart();
meetingPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(
new javax.mail.util.ByteArrayDataSource(meetingData, "text/calendar")));
You have to save-as OOTB SendEmailMessage RUF into a library of your application.
We faced this issue with 6.2 SP2. I am not sure if this issue is fixed in higher versions.

Hi Smita,
We faced a similar issue (though not exactly same as yours) with 6.2 SP2 version. We were using SendEmailMessage OOTB function to send an outlook meeting invitation. But it is being sent as normal email.
If you could provide more details on rules being used and PRPC version I might be able to help you.

Hi Murali,
I am following exactly what pega has suggested in below URL.
Accepted Solution

Hi Smita,
To send the mail as meeting invitation, uncomment the 'Handle iCalendar meeting requests' code in SendEmailMessage RUF:
/* Handle iCalendar meeting requests
ClipboardProperty meetingDataRef = MessageData.getProperty("pyMeetingData");
if (!meetingDataRef.isEmpty())
// Add a header for the
message.addHeader("component", "VEVENT");
// Format the meeting data into a string
String meetingData = FormatMeetingRequest(meetingDataRef.getPageValue());
MimeBodyPart meetingPart = new MimeBodyPart();
meetingPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(
new javax.mail.util.ByteArrayDataSource(meetingData, "text/calendar")));
You have to save-as OOTB SendEmailMessage RUF into a library of your application.
We faced this issue with 6.2 SP2. I am not sure if this issue is fixed in higher versions.
Hi Smita,
To send the mail as meeting invitation, uncomment the 'Handle iCalendar meeting requests' code in SendEmailMessage RUF:
/* Handle iCalendar meeting requests
ClipboardProperty meetingDataRef = MessageData.getProperty("pyMeetingData");
if (!meetingDataRef.isEmpty())
// Add a header for the
message.addHeader("component", "VEVENT");
// Format the meeting data into a string
String meetingData = FormatMeetingRequest(meetingDataRef.getPageValue());
MimeBodyPart meetingPart = new MimeBodyPart();
meetingPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(
new javax.mail.util.ByteArrayDataSource(meetingData, "text/calendar")));
You have to save-as OOTB SendEmailMessage RUF into a library of your application.
We faced this issue with 6.2 SP2. I am not sure if this issue is fixed in higher versions.
Sumita Mallick

Submit an enhancement request for this with Product Support.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Smita,
I haven't tired this yet: but there are examples of how to send out Meeting Invites via the JavaMail API (which PRPC utilizes under the hood): for instance : Java Tips And Tricks: How to send Meeting Request invitations to Outlook with JavaMail
However: there is a secondary (possibly more complex ?) angle to this question: if the meeting invites were sent out with 'Accept|Decline|Propose New Time' buttons on them: these responses would have to be handled by PRPC as well: otherwise there would little point in sending them - so I believe ( I could be wrong ) - there is no current implementation for the accept/decline/propose-new-time responses in PRPC ?

Hi John,
For meeting invite responses, the approach we followed is configuring Email Listener and process the responses (Accept / Decline ) from the invitees through email listener activity. We used this approach in one of the applications so we have details of how many and which participants are going to attend the meeting.
Are you suggesting PRPC should/might have better approaches to handle this OOTB without having to configure email listener etc.