Last activity: 29 Nov 2023 6:49 EST
Sent emails extraction in Pega
Hello Pega Community, I would like to know if it is possible to extract all the emails which have been sent from Pega (not the volume but emails with their contents and details). If yes, could you explain me how to do?
Thanks in advance
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 29 Nov 2023 6:50 EST
Bits in Glass
@AmiraF34 please check below url for the table which saves the email instances sent from pega cases. You can check this class for emails and it's contents.
@Anoop Krishna Thanks for the useful link and help. one more but related question please, are we able to extract also future "supposed to be" sent emails?
Updated: 29 Nov 2023 6:50 EST
Bits in Glass
@AmiraF34 that is not possible with ootb implementation. The email is attached to case when it is sent and it gets stored to DB at that point of time. We can do customizations to achieve this using activities. Using queue processor to send email later and have the email instance saved to DB by ourselves through activity. But that's not suggested. Here we need to do everything, saving email contents to DB, sending email. With ootb email shape pega does everything.
@Anoop Krishna Thanks a lot for your answers! thats is really helpfull. Just before closing the question, have you any explanation for the fact that I have two missing emails in the report definition extracted from the table “PR_DATA_CORR_EMAIL” (Data-Corr-Email class)?
Anoop Krishna
Bits in Glass
@AmiraF34 I think, because of some reason business logic/error email didn't get attached to case and sent. Hence you are finding those instances in data-corr-email. Can you please check the case attachments and case history as part of debugging.
@Anoop Krishna I extracted all emails correspondances in the table corresponding to the class Link-Attachment but I didnot find the same missing email correspondances
Bits in Glass
@AmiraF34 Not sure what is missing here. Would need to do dig deep into it to understand it. From the link-attachment table you would get pxlinkedfrom and pxlinkedto. Try checking these two please, the case and email attachment instance, as part of debugging.
@Anoop Krishna I found the reason that the missing emails are not in the extracted report definition is that these emails are not attached to the data-corr-email because these emails are not used in flow ( I think pega adds the email to the data-corr-email when it is called in the flow). So I tried to be based on the .pxCorrSummary(1).pxCorrName property to get all emails .pxCorrName sent from pega (as shown in the attached screenshoot ) but the problem that I cannot optimize this property as it is mapped to pr_other table which is astract. Is there any solution or idea to get all emails sent from pega in this case?
Bits in Glass
@AmiraF34 ya so are you using activity to send email? Can you please accept the solution for this question and post a new question with your second query? We can have discussion regarding your second query in that thread. Please paste your second question link in this comment section.
@Anoop Krishna Ok done, here is the new question link: But Pega support asked to continue here the discussion. Could you share with me if you have any idea or solution to solve the issue?