
Truviq Systems
Last activity: 29 Nov 2016 8:02 EST
Buttons in email body
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Chaitanya,
I would request you to kindly provide brief explanation of your use case along with the steps you are following which would be helpful for us to answer the query.
Kindly add your PRPC version as well.

Truviq Systems
Created Corr rule for email template.
Buttons referred in section. The section referred in corr rule.
Email triggrred to user. In the email buttons are looking as pointed above.


Please try below steps.
you have created a section rule with embedded image. Hence, by default the image reference would be something like this: img src=webwb/KeyEnergyServices.png We need to provide the absolute path by following the steps below: 1) In your section, uncheck the auto-generated HTML checkbox in HTML tab and write the image tag as follows in the HTML source: IMG src='/webwb/KeyEnergyServices.png' 2) Now include this section in the correspondence Fragment which should then work as expected.
Eddie Moczygemba

How are you triggering email? If you are using "SendCorrespondence" flow action in a flow you should see the image. If you use "SendEmailNotification" to trigger email you couldn't see the image in email.

Truviq Systems

Truviq Systems
it's not an image. I have used pega default buttons.

Pegasystems Inc.
Did you use any custom CSS/icons or images for buttons? It looks like the path to the image/css is missing. If it is a icon/image you are referring you need to pass the correct path like directoryName/FileName.Extentions
Ex: webwb/unlock.png

Truviq Systems
No CSS/icons or images.
Tried with standard / simple / strong button formats.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Venkata,
Is the issue here that you don't want the buttons to appear at all in your email ? Or if you do want them : what is the purpose of the buttons: what is supposed to happen if the email recipient clicks on the button ?

Truviq Systems

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Venkata
Could you send the screenshots of how you are configuring the "SendEmailNotification" activity. Screenshots will help us enormously.

Hi All,
Actually issue i'm facing is very bit same as the main problem thread, but functionality wise it is not working. So below is the requirement:
To give a user a simple feedback form with 2 radio button and submit button, and once they select any one radio button, and clicks on Submit then it should send the handler (backend support team which will have a fix email address to get all feedback responses).
Approach : I'm able to get the email on my gmail account. This is done using a Section rule (it has 2 radio btn and a submit btn) which is used in Correspondence which is sending email to my account. (Till here all is fine).
Now when this section appears in mail, i want to make that Submit to send back the response back to support team email (all this is done in inline mail only, i'm not sure whether it is feasible !!)
Problem: I tried to call click action on Submit button but somehow it's not working, even remotely. Pls let know any link or way on how to do read back the mail with response on clicking button.
Note: Have created SOAP service, and an activity to read the input. Also tried DWA, and Survey feedback (ootb) but due to some reason we can't approach with that.
Thanks !
This comment has been branched out as a new node and the new thread can be followed here

Pegasystems Inc.
To increase the visibility for your question, we have created a new post for you. Please update that to continue the troubleshooting.
Lochan | Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.

Wipro Ltd
hi Chaitanya,
in the email correspondence, only inline styles will work.
custom html may work for you ... replace the pega button with custom button with inline style.