
Last activity: 30 Jun 2016 13:55 EDT
Attach Content Smart Shape
Currently AttachContent smart shape will look for the attachments in Rule-File-Binary class. Does Pega has any plan to extend this to Link-Attachment class too? This will help to add attachments from Link-Attachment class to a work object.
With current implementation of attach content we can only attach files only from binary table. If we have something in attachment class we cannot use this smart shape.
Please suggest if I am missing something here.
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
The class cannot be Link-Attachment but instead it can be a Data-WorkAttach-File. I am assuming even the customer is looking for this as he would like to reuse the exiting attachments which are already made to a case.
The use case of AttachContent smart shape was to auto attach a file which is already in the system. And that use case would need a Rule-File-Binary only, so that was the reason for this feature.
This is not a bug but can be be an enhancement. If there is a business use case from the customer for making an existing attachment to be linked to another case we can add this as a feedback item and we can take it as an enhancement.

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes I can see the same issue and I am not sure whether it is a bug or can be treated as enhancement ?
Pradeep Boorla any thoughts ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Not sure Santanu. Kalyan Yapuram ?
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
The class cannot be Link-Attachment but instead it can be a Data-WorkAttach-File. I am assuming even the customer is looking for this as he would like to reuse the exiting attachments which are already made to a case.
The use case of AttachContent smart shape was to auto attach a file which is already in the system. And that use case would need a Rule-File-Binary only, so that was the reason for this feature.
This is not a bug but can be be an enhancement. If there is a business use case from the customer for making an existing attachment to be linked to another case we can add this as a feedback item and we can take it as an enhancement.

Hi Ujjwala
I agree to refer Data-WorkAttach-% class (can be a file, url or anything). I was working on a POC and found that this need to be enhanced with attachments table also. I agree this is not a bug but should be an enhancement. If you take any example for adding an attachment to a case and sending it in email, this will not help (if my attachment is in attachments table not Binary table).
What is the process to request it for an enhancement.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Sam,
In the above use case what is the problem in sending the attachment in mail that should not be a problem at all.
Even when we give a Rule-File-Binary as an input in the AttachContent shape, the shape will create a Data-WorkAttach-File and then attach to the case. So it should not be a problem to send an email.
I am not sure of the exact process of raising this as an enhancement. Santanu Bhattacherjee can you help.

Pegasystems Inc.
I will submit this as an enhancement request.

Pegasystems Inc.
I have submitted this enhancement request and supplied the reference number in the Related Field within the Original Post on this thread. Please contact your account executive for follow-up.

I do not want to send a Rule-File-Binary instead I want a File in Link-Attachment class. This will not work with attach content shape.
Please correct if I am wrong.
Thank you