
Last activity: 11 Aug 2017 8:00 EDT
how to pass file name to attach content smart shape dynamicaly
I have a flow and there is attach content shape inside. The attach content will retrieve the file from binary file rules. the requirement is based on different condition, the binary file name will be different.
try to assign a parameter to it but always complain file not found. it seem it only accept hard code name only.
please advise.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update categories***
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hello June,
I had tried to implement the sample use case which can pass the dynamic value to the File Name of the Attach Content smart shape using Parameter as shown in the attachment.
Hope this will resolve your issue.

thanks for your prompt answer. can I ask you what version of your pega? my is 7.1.9. it seems not work this way.

Pegasystems Inc.
FYI, I tried this use case in Pega 7.2.1. Let me check in Pega 7.1.9 and get back to you.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Jun,
The concept is pretty same in both the versions of pega, the only important point to notice is the value of the property which you are using to initialize the value of param.FileName in connector properties. When the execution comes to this flow the value of the property you are using need to be initialized with the file name, so that it will be initialized to Param.FileName as shown in attachment.
Note: May be you can write a data transform to initialize the filename of your source property before the execution of this flow so that the value of file name will be available in the property you are using by the time of Connector properties.
Hope this will help you to resolve your issue.

I did exactly same as your instruction. but still get the error message " invalid file name mentioned in attachment". I traced it, the file name is passed in but it complained application name. if use the file name inside the shape, system can find out application name internally. but using param, no name found. even I tried to pass AppName as param, no lucky. I attach screenshot for your ref.
need help. Thanks lot.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Jun,
If you don't mind can you please share the tracer file by copying the content into txt file along with the screen shot of your complete use case.

This is the attached screen shot, not sure how to save the trace into text. could you let me know?\

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Jun,
Thanks for sharing the screen shot of your use case, after my analysis of your document noticed that you are selecting the wrong Attachment Category name i.e. Documents instead of File. FYI, pega-7-logo is a file type category, kindly try to change the category in Attach Content settings to File then try.
Hope this will help you to resolve your issue.

Hi Mahesh,
thanks so much for you prompt response.
I have changed to file as category. no luck. same issue. I don't know where the file type (pdf) is coming from and why the application name is empty. does it looking for webwb by default?
I used the pega-7-logo as name in the attach content shape. it shows the file type as svg and application name webeb automatically.
Yours works in your 7.1.9. mine is not. very strange...

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Jun,
Run the use case with tracer on then click on Save in the tracer window which downloads the tracer file in XML format. Copy the whole text into text file and share it with us for our further analysis as this issue looks pretty strange at your environment.

thanks Mahesh,
I uploaded the trace file.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi June,
Thanks for sharing the tracer file. After analyzing the tracer log noticed that the BinaryFilePage is still holding the same old stale data as shown in the attachment. Because of this wrong Attachment Category the FileType property also wrong.
Suggestion: Change the Attachment Category from drop down with value File as explained above then try to test your behavior with the new work object.
If still its not working then i would request you to raise an SR with GCS for further investigation on this issue as its needs screen share to understand further.