
IP Australia
Last activity: 17 Mar 2024 19:40 EDT
Constellation bulk transfer and self assign
Hi there,
We have a requirement to give option for the user to self assign a task from the work queue, and ability to bulk transfer assignment(s) from either their work list or work queue. How do we achieve this from Constellation? as there is no option for action sets.
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 17 Mar 2024 19:40 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
I'm not sure if there is a possibility to achieve bulk transfer from Work Queue directly. However, there is a potential workaround to do it from the Landing page List View for case type (attached screenshot for your reference).
We can configure the optional Action "Reassign Task/Event" for the users to achieve bulk Reassign from the Landing Page. In the Post Action Activity, then you add the logic to reassign based on the selection.

Pegasystems Inc.
@HJettican you confirm which Constellation resources you checked?
CLSA Community webinars content overview
Ask the Expert - Pega Cosmos with Sakthi Vickraman
CLSA Community: Integrating Constellation with your existing apps using Infinity '23 (October 2023)
@HJettican you confirm which Constellation resources you checked?
CLSA Community webinars content overview
Ask the Expert - Pega Cosmos with Sakthi Vickraman
CLSA Community: Integrating Constellation with your existing apps using Infinity '23 (October 2023)
@RichardMarsot would you be able to provide some input?
Accepted Solution
Updated: 17 Mar 2024 19:40 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
I'm not sure if there is a possibility to achieve bulk transfer from Work Queue directly. However, there is a potential workaround to do it from the Landing page List View for case type (attached screenshot for your reference).
We can configure the optional Action "Reassign Task/Event" for the users to achieve bulk Reassign from the Landing Page. In the Post Action Activity, then you add the logic to reassign based on the selection.
Updated: 15 Feb 2024 9:08 EST

I couldn't locate this "Reassign Task/Event" in the Constellation screens for configuration. Can you guide us exactly where to do this?
Additionally, is this possible only for Reassign or for any updates that can be made against the selected cases?

Pegasystems Inc.
Reassign Event is a custom flow action rule defined at the case level, so technically you can perform the updates on the selected cases.
Prakash C

@RameshSangili Hi Ramesh , The Columns in the screen shot you gave are all of them from same table or different table , we have a requirment to show bulk transfer similar to one you showed but we need columns to be from both Assign and work table ex: SLA from Assign table and Client Number from Work table

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, it's possible to display the columns from both Assign-Workbasket/Worklist and work table. I did the same for my application (joining Workbasket and Work tables)

Hi Ramesh,
When i use the Data Page (list type - work level class) as Source for view , while adding columns in app studio it only shows columns from the class of data page (i.e only work level proeprties), but when you join reports, the columns from Assign-Workbasket go into pxPages , so i had to create all the column properties that needs to be shown on the grid in Assign-Workbasket class , is there any other way ?

Pegasystems Inc.
@Adithya_Acharya That's correct.

@RameshSangili Hi Ramesh, I am trying the same approach for Bulk Actions ,but its not working , any changes done in Response Data Transform is not reflecting in UI . Example i have created a "AssignTo" property in Work Class and using a data page with Report Definition as source to load the cases for bulk action , now in Data Page Response DT i am setting this XXXX-Work-.AssignTo property to pxAssignedOperatorID from Assign- class via report join , but this property is not visible in UI view , What i have observed is for Bulk Action to be enabled , you need to have "Allow querying any column (Pega connection only)" enabled in Data Page , once we enable this, Only Properties exposed & included in Report Definition will be shown in UI (even marked as Relevant Records are not showing up)

IP Australia
@Adithya_Acharya , @RameshSangili thanks for all your questions and inputs so far.
Couple of challenges noticed so far,
- "Allow bulk options" option is only visible on the Data pages created in a XX-Work-XX class, its not visible for the Data pages created in XX-Work or Assign-Worklist/workbasket classes. Is there any option to show this bulk options on Assign-worklist data pages
- What is the criteria to show "Allow bulk options" from landing page
- OOTB pyTransferAssignment flow action is not visible from bulk actions, is there any OOTB flow action to verify from bulk actions.
- We do have both traditional and constellation case types in user worklist/work queue. Can a flow action with traditional section works from bulk actions?
Hari Jetti
Prakash C

Pegasystems Inc.
1. Bulk actions work from Work-XXX class in Constellation.
2. Criteria to add - Add a landing page with a List template, configure the data page and then enable bulk options
4. I doubt that is supported in the Constellation app