
Last activity: 8 Jul 2016 3:35 EDT
Bulk transfer issue
While doing bulk transfer from one work basket to other basket i am not getting all the workbaskets in drop down.
We have 3 types of users say A, B ,C. Each user type having different work baskets like A WB, B WB, C WB.
So while doing bulk transfer using standard ootb tool, we are facing below issue.
1. login with C type user into application and while doing bulk tranfer using manager portal, using "Process Cases" filter we selected C type work basket then we got all the cases in C Type work basket. In this drop down we are getting all A type, B Type, C Type WB's no issue with that what ever we need we can select that work basket and get cases.
Once we get cases in above step we selected "Select Action" drop down value as "Transfer Assignment", after that have selected "Transfer To" as "Workbasket" but in workbasket drop down it only giving C WB only.
Same way if i log-in using B type user, fallowed same above steps and getting in Workbasekt drop down A WB only.
Is there would be any privilege issue or role issues, please let me know solution for this.
Message was edited by: Lochan to add Category