
Last activity: 8 Dec 2023 4:49 EST
Missing Sent emails extraction in Pega
Hello, Question related to my previous question in: I found the reason that the missing emails are not in the extracted report definition is that these emails are not attached to the data-corr-email because these emails are not used in flow ( I think pega adds the email to the data-corr-email when it is called in the flow).
So I tried to be based on the .pxCorrSummary(1).pxCorrName property to get all emails .pxCorrName sent from pega (as shown in the attached screenshoot ) but the problem that I cannot optimize this property as it is mapped to pr_other table which is abstract.
Is there any solution or idea to get all emails sent from pega in this case?
Thanks in advance.
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 8 Dec 2023 4:49 EST

Bits in Glass
@AmiraF34 As you are not attaching emails to case, you can use activity to open the cases, get subject from pxcorrSummary and set it to pagelist. You can use that pagelist to export it to RD or excel.
Updated: 29 Nov 2023 7:06 EST

Pegasystems Inc.
@AmiraF34 Based on the information provided, you could consider using the Queue-For-Agent method to queue the correspondence. The agent activity will process the queued item and if all attempts fail, the item will move to the "Broken-Process" status. However, this might not attach the emails to the Data-Corr-Email table. As for the .pxCorrSummary(1).pxCorrName property, it's true that it cannot be optimized as it is mapped to the pr_other table which is abstract.
The classes which are mapped to pr_other are not eligible for getting optimized.
But when we create an abstract class, and a concrete class with dedicated tables is inherited from the parent abstract class, the properties created in abstract class can be optimized for reporting.
SendEmailWithAttachments not attaching Correspondence to case
Bug: Email reports not populated on Analytics tab in Email manager portal
Unfortunately, without more information about your specific setup and requirements, it's difficult to provide a more specific solution.
@AmiraF34 Based on the information provided, you could consider using the Queue-For-Agent method to queue the correspondence. The agent activity will process the queued item and if all attempts fail, the item will move to the "Broken-Process" status. However, this might not attach the emails to the Data-Corr-Email table. As for the .pxCorrSummary(1).pxCorrName property, it's true that it cannot be optimized as it is mapped to the pr_other table which is abstract.
The classes which are mapped to pr_other are not eligible for getting optimized.
But when we create an abstract class, and a concrete class with dedicated tables is inherited from the parent abstract class, the properties created in abstract class can be optimized for reporting.
SendEmailWithAttachments not attaching Correspondence to case
Bug: Email reports not populated on Analytics tab in Email manager portal
Unfortunately, without more information about your specific setup and requirements, it's difficult to provide a more specific solution.
@Anoop Krishna do you have any further ideas?

@MarijeSchillern, @Anoop Krishna :
Yes as it is abstract I could not extract all sent emails correspondances with .pxCorrSummary(1).pxCorrName property. Is there any other solution to get all emails sent via activities in Pega (as those sent via flow are saved in pr_data_corr_email)?

@MarijeSchillern Thanks for this explanation and links. For the first link, it seems be good solution in case I am creating new activity that sends an email but it is not attached to the case. However in my case, I need to extract all emails correspondances that are used and sent from Pega and not to edit existing activities to attach emails to the cases (especially that I could find 2 emails correspondances that are used and sent but missing in the extraction but I am not sure about how much emails, sent using activities, are missing to edit all corresponding activities).

@Anoop Krishna Yes it is sent using a job schedular calling an activity.

Bits in Glass
@AmiraF34 okay when you send email using activity, few of the activities will not attach emails to the case. Please try using sendsimpleemail activity, it will attach email to the case. Here what we need to figure out is whichever email going out come pega should be recorded as an instance in data-corr-email. If it's email shape in flow no need to worry, if it's activity we need to choose apt ootb activity. Here you will have to use sendsimpleemail. If not you can save instance to data-corr-email yourself also.

Bits in Glass
@AmiraF34 if you don't need to change anything with respect to job scheduler and activity, please check Index-Data-Email instances. You can join your report to this class . You will get whatever you need from this class.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 8 Dec 2023 4:49 EST

Bits in Glass
@AmiraF34 As you are not attaching emails to case, you can use activity to open the cases, get subject from pxcorrSummary and set it to pagelist. You can use that pagelist to export it to RD or excel.