Read Editable PDF
Can we use eForm Wizard to read editable PDF file. I tried this in PEGA 8.8, but i do not see option to map the editable fields from the PDF file using eForm Wizard.
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Can we use eForm Wizard to read editable PDF file. I tried this in PEGA 8.8, but i do not see option to map the editable fields from the PDF file using eForm Wizard.
@AshwinY6 you can use the eForm Wizard to read editable PDF files. The eForm Wizard allows you to upload a fillable PDF form and generate properties from the PDF form fields.
However, please note that the ability to extract fields depends on the type of PDF. If you're unable to extract fields, you might need to use a tool like PDF Escape to make the fields readable by Pega.
Also, Pega doesn't support sending images to the GenerateEform activity. If you're still facing issues, you might need to use custom Java APIs or other methods.
This is a GenAI-powered tool. All generated answers require validation against the provided references.
eForm rules - unable to send image to generate a pdf using GenerateEform activity
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