eForm rules - unable to send image to generate a pdf using GenerateEform activity
As part of one of our requirements,
we have a upload a fillable pdf template which has both text and images to be displayed. This pdf has to be attached to workitem and send an email and save it to a content manager.
We are trying to do a POC on this requirement.
Ran the PDF for eForm Wizard to uplaod a sample template with text fillable fields.
Ran the activity which calls GenerateEform to generate pdf with the pega fields populating the fillable fields in pdf.
1. Text fields are straight forward and was trying to see whether wizard is capable of sending images to this activity and generate a pdf?
If so,
a. what datatype the pega property be to hold this image before calling the GenerateEform activity.
b. Also what field or datatype should be available on pdf template to hold and display image on pdf?
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