Issues Converting .docx To .pdf With DocX4J 6.1.1
Hello everyone,
A few months ago, I implemented an Activity that used the DocX4J library that comes with Pega 8.1.4 as well as the PDFBox library that has been available since Pega 7.3.1.
The code inside the Java Step is intended to convert an attachment of .docx format into .pdf format before appending it to an existing PDF. I do this by taking the bytes of both the existing PDF and the .docx attachment, using DocX4J to convert the .docx bytes into .pdf bytes, then using PDFBox to merge the new PDF bytes into the existing PDF bytes. I have included a text file showing the exact lines used.
Recently, this functionality has stopped working. Checking the logs shows that DocX4JExceptions are being thrown. I have attached a second text file with a copy of the stack trace associated with this exception.
Has anyone successfully implemented this functionality in the past with Pega 8.1.4/DocX4J 6.1.1? Any insight as to what's gone wrong and how to fix it would be greatly appreciated.