Converting doc & docx to PDF in Pega 7.3
Hello dear community,
I have some troubles to convert Word files recieived from attachements to PDF. The context is such as, I am using Pega CRM 7.3 and I need to convert my doc/docx to sring Base64 but in such way that it is converted as PDF.
After looking a bit, I found the activity "ConvertAttachmentToPDF", which is supposed to convert doc (and not docx). I tested this activity with only .doc document first of all, but it failed. After few researches, I found this :, explaining
that "[...] ConvertAttachmentToPDF flow action uses ActiveX integration and works only in Internet Explorer browser. Pega 7.3 and later versions do not support ActiveX controls[...]". I am using Chrome and Firefox, iIcan't be restricted to a single browser tho.
In the end, no solution is provided, only a link for some information about ActiveX, which doesn't work :
Do you have any ideas on how I can successfully make this conversion ? Thank you.
Best regards, Kévin.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to change from Discussion to Question***