
Combinatie Bovemij Mn Services BV
Last activity: 11 Sep 2023 3:30 EDT
Correspondence Fragment: Worklink in email is not showing the right design/harness
I created a <<include WorkLink>> in the email that is send to the user. When I click on the link it goes to the right WorkLink but I miss the design/harness in the portal. See attachments the right one and the one without the design. So what do we need to do? I see the difference in the URL the right one has the harness ID. I also saw this solution to add in the WorkLink but that didn't work either:
{% tools.putSaveValue("PublicLinkURL",pega_procom_pegaprocomutilities.getPublicLinkURL());
ClipboardPage ap = tools.findPage("newAssignPage"); String insKey = ap.getString("pzInsKey"); String ojbClass = ap.getString("pxObjClass");
tools.putSaveValue("RedirectLocation",pega_rules_utilities.encodeURLParameter("pyActivity=Assign-.ProcessAssignment&Action=Perform&HarnessPurpose=Perform&InsHandle="+insKey)); %}
Klik <a href="{$save(PublicLinkURL)}[email protected]&ThreadName=WorkLinkThread&bPurgeTargetThread=true&AccessGroupName={$save(Accessgroup)}&Location={$save(RedirectLocation)}"> {.pyID}</a> om de opportunity in te zien.