Hexaware Technologies
Last activity: 18 Mar 2021 1:54 EDT
How to configure push notification body with correct operator routing and on click of notification, have to open in perform mode
Hi ,
We have requirement to generate push notifications on mobile and on click of that notification, it should show a section with dynamic content.
Here, we have provided first,a utility shape provided to call activity which has the property set for operator id for whom notifications has to be sent..
then second, we have the push notification shape which is provided with routing operator , message, and enabled "open case in mobile app"
then finally as third shape, we have assignment which is again routed to the worklist of the same operator id which was set in utility activity in first shape. and this flow action has the section in which the content of the notification message is given.
And now, we get the push notifications outside the app in mobile, on click of which , it drives me into the app, and shows review harness and only on click of begin it shows in perform mode.
I have checked the checkbox of this case type settings to "Skip create harness" also. But still no use.
Can anyone guide on this.. to get the perform harness screen directly.