
Sopra India PVT Ltd
Last activity: 1 Jun 2022 1:55 EDT
Open an Assignment on click of a link in perform mode
Hi, I've a requirement, I need to show list of records in a table layout. In this list of records, i've column like ID, In this ID column, we called pyID and make this prop as Link.
On click of this link, it should be open in Perform harness mode, But it's opening in Review harness mode. while trying to click on this link,It's throwing below error.
"A 'RULE-OBJ-ACTIVITY' with name 'OPENANDLOCKWORK' that applies to 'Cnam-ACCS-Work-Order' could not be found. The rulebase contained 3 rules with this name, but none matched this request. The 3 rules named 'OPENANDLOCKWORK' defined in the rulebase are: 2 unrelated to applies-to class 'Cnam-ACCS-Work-Order', for example: 'Assign-'. 1 inaccessible because their availability was 'Withdrawn'."
Would any one have idea on this?
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***