doGridAction failing
I have a custom grid that is displaying a single record at a time (Pagination set to 1). The cell has a section that displays the fields.
In the Action Bottom, I have a custom grid paginator (works fine) and a button that on click will Add Item, Refresh List, then paginate to the end of the list using a doGridAction specifying script:event, "PAGINATE", "", "last", "","", "true". This doesn't work (no errors)
In the doGridAction (pzPega_ui_grid.js) script, at the bottom of function gridPagination, I see a step to search for the actionAncestor and it passes the resulting elements class name to the next function (reloadGridLayout) to set focus after reloading the grid.
When I use my custom paginator to go through the records (doGridAction - "next"), actionAncestor holds a value.
When I use my Add button, it is null. I suspect because the immediate ancestor of my button is a span with no class. Thus the script breaks and never calls the reload function. If I pass null in place of the "focusParams" to reloadGridLayout(), it works as expected.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update categories; update SR details***