
Rulebase Compare Wizard - getting Connection Timed Out
We are trying to use this wizard to compare 2 environments, but for some reason the first step to connect to the target system is not working.
We don't see anything specific in the logs on the target system.
Any idea what might be causing this?
***Edited by Moderator to update SR Details***
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Accepted Solution

We identified that it is related to the number of ruleset versions and rules in those ruleset versions. If the comparison is done for fewer ruleset versions with less rules, the issue does not happen.

You mentioned there were no errors in the logs on the target system. Are there any errors in the logs on the source system?

On the source system, all we see is a Connection Timeout exception.

Can you trace it and verify the URL it is trying to connect to is correct? Are you able to access that URL? Are you able to connect to other systems?

Hi @PatrickC8660!
When you open your SR, please comment back here with your SR ID so that we can connect this post to the SR and keep track of the SR for you!

Thanks Patrick! I've linked this post to your SR!
Accepted Solution

We identified that it is related to the number of ruleset versions and rules in those ruleset versions. If the comparison is done for fewer ruleset versions with less rules, the issue does not happen.