Last activity: 29 Jan 2017 19:53 EST
In a Confirm Harness I am having one Button, On Click of that button I have to Launch a new but a different Case type Work object at the same time i have to close the Currently opened Harness. So that After Completing the newly launched work object case i
@In a Confirm Harness I am having one Button, On Click of that button I have to Launch a new but a different Case type Work object , at the same time i have to close the Currently opened Harness. So that After Completing the newly launched work object case instance, it will not returned to that harness, instead it will returned to the landing page?
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Actually I am able to launch the new work item from the Current harness.
But the problem is when i am completing that case, i am redirected back to the same harness from which i have launched the new flow. I Think this is because of , that the harness from which we are launching the new case is not being closed after launching that case.
I tried giving CLOSE and CANCEL actions before and after the CREATE WORK ITEM action on click event for that button. This will close the harness and create work object but will not launch the flow . we have open it from the recent tab in order to launch it.
I will give you a real life scenario to better understand this situation.
Consider I have a case type called EVENT with 3 Screens( Screen flow). In the last screen, i have a check box called Do you want to register Promocode?
if you click it a harness will open with OK button. On click of OK button Promocode case will be opened and after Completing promocode registration , it will redirect back to the OK button harness. that means we have to register promocode again and again and we cannot advance the flow? Instead i have to return to my application home page . This is the scenario
Thanks For your reply
Bank Of America
I have a scenario to prevent to open a new case until the opened case is resolved?, Please suggest the approach
GalaxE Solutions
I have got the same scenario to do.......1st Action -> i am using Data Transform -> set - .pyStatusWork = "Resolved-Merged" ....2nd Action -> Updated. So current case is closed and status is "Resolved-Merged" but Need to get old WO details to New WO -> i am just using Create Work---> Needed to continue from here.
Navy Federal Credit Union
Hide the action buttons in last assingment and put your own submit button, configure submit button with finish assignment followed by close. this should work.
Navy Federal Credit Union
Hide the action buttons in last assingment and put your own submit button, configure submit button with finish assignment followed by close. this should work.
Navy Federal Credit Union
Hide the action buttons in last assingment and put your own submit button, configure submit button with finish assignment followed by close. this should work.
Great Eastern Life
In Case management when i open child case under parent class , the child case should be open in multiple app instance in same time by writting the activity . Can any
one suggest me best approach . I have checked existing acvities under work-,work-cover
Thanks for advacnce help
Pegasystems Inc.
This question is now a new post. Please continue the discussion on the new post: Best Approach to write an activity that opens the child case in multiple app instances
Lochan | Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.
Great Eastern Life
(In a Confirm Harness I am having one Button, On Click of that button I have to Launch a new but
a different Case type Work object at the same time i have to close the Currently opened Harness.
So that After Completing the newly launched work object case )
My scenario: Instead of buttion , i would like to write activity . can u pls help me to suggest with best approach. Thanks
This comment has been branched out as a new node and the new thread can be followed here
Updated: 29 Jan 2017 19:53 EST
Pegasystems Inc.
In order to increase the visibility for your question, we have created a new post for you. Please continue troubleshooting on the new thread.
Best Approach to write an activity that opens the child case in multiple app instances
Lochan | Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.