
Last activity: 5 Dec 2016 10:58 EST
Quiz Question clarification-Creating Pega Customer Service Solutions (7.1)
I need clarification for the below quiz question.In the PDN course "Creating Pega Customer Service Solutions (7.1)" for the excercise "Expose Services with Intent Tasks" there is a quiz dat says:
Although the two marked options are correct then i guess third opton is also correct.Because i could find a refrence from the same course which says
"A single task can appear in more than one category even though it starts the same service case.For example, the Open New Account appears in both the Account category and the General category. However, selecting either task starts the same process."
Please guide on this particular question because i have got similar kind of quiz question in exam.
***Updated by Maryrita: Moderator, moved from Applications to Pega Academy***