
BlueRose Technologies
Last activity: 30 Jul 2016 8:48 EDT
Query on LSA (7.1) Quiz - Distributed Transactions - Service Rules
Which of the following statements is least accurate about distributed transactions with PRPC? (Choose One)
1. No distributed transaction can be handled when running PRPC as a web application.
2. Only 3 service rules can participate in a distributed transaction.
3. A “Commit” is handled similarly in PRPC WAR deployment as in the EAR deployment with non-XA database driver.
4. By default, all connector rules are configured to participate in a bean-managed transaction. (Correct Answer)
In the above question, w.r.t. option 2, we can configure as many service rules as possible as they are nothing but methods defined in ejb-jar.xml file right? Thanks in advance.