Pega 25.X Enhancing PDC/Admin Studio for cloud environments
PDC or Admin studio was still not having full dashboard features of monitoring pega application in cloud infrastructure. Still lot of people need to learn kubernetes and other cloud courses to manage pega applications in cloud. Pega needs to reduce learning curve of pega developers to be come pega admins in cloud infrastructure. Currenlty Pega developers are facing learning challenges for managing pega applications in cloud infrastructure. It should be simplified and there should be career path for pega admins also. PDC or admin studio should have tools to maintain pega applications in cloud.
Pega ecosystem should give importance to pega admins career path in future. Pega academy needs to embed kubernetes skills set inside pega admin course. atleast 5% of existing pega developers should have career in pega admin in future. this will generate new opportunities for pega community globally.