Open Exercise System link doesn't exist
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Dear Support team,
The link to "Open Exercise System" is only found on the "Exercise" page of a lesson. In this course, there are some lessons that do not have exercises, so you will not see this "Exercise" page. However, for all lessons that do have an exercise, you will see the "Open Exercise System" link on the associated "Exercise" page.
Dear Eddie,
Please find below the text from Completing the Exercises (TL-4319601) also I included the link to this is exercise. And I had downloaded the with description of exercise. But without link I am not able to do it. Could share with me Open Exercise System link?
"The exercise system for this course is available online and accessed through the Open Exercise System link on each exercise page."
There is no global link as you will get a unique instance (link) of the exercise environment. To acess the "Open Exercise System" link, you must navigate to the actual exercise page for each lesson. For example, in the lesson "Operators, Portals and Cases" you will find the link to open the exercie system on the exercise page. Notice at the bottom of this screen shot there is the "Open Exercise System" link.
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