
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 30 Dec 2021 12:02 EST
CDH Community Event: Migrating Your Decision Logic to Next Best Action Designer Framework
In this session, Tim Odeh, Director of Business Excellence for 1:1 CE and Ranjit Modhawadia, Principal Decisioning Architect at Pega discuss the business benefits of migration, and the meaning of true logic migration vs. "lift and shift". Then they deep dive on planning and assessing the effort involved.
Bring your questions! We are offering a replay of this session with along with live Q&A on November 9th at 11 AM AEDT. Two of Pega’s most experienced consultants in the NBA Designer Framework will be on hand to answer your questions for the entire hour. If you would like to attend this session, please register here.
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Updated: 29 Oct 2021 14:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@sundm Absolutely, in fact we welcome any community members who would like to present. Cheri Guadet from CXForward is presenting our November community event. Please find a link for that event https://community.pega.com/events. You can access recordings and decks from past events at: https://collaborate.pega.com/discussion/cdh-community-events

Pegasystems Inc.
@Marcus_D What preparation was required for the BAU client team before this engagement was done?

Pegasystems Inc.
@Marcus_D In general, it is recommended for business partners to go through enablement -- to become acquainted with CDH. It can help inform the Migration Alignment Workshop. Also the organizational transformation that @odeht discussed during this session can be very useful.

Pegasystems Inc.
@Marcus_D @noelj If Pega is being upgraded to a newer version (for example 8.5 to 8.6), is it better to migrate to the latest version or can we migrate to an older version?

Pegasystems Inc.
@Marcus_D @noelj It is highly recommended to upgrade to the latest version. It allows you to take advantage of the latest fixes and features. The latest versions allow for leveraging the latest enhancements to the product. For example, Version 8.6, introduced Value Finder, Scenario Planner, etc. and are very valuable in accelerating business benefits.

Pegasystems Inc.
LDA-- Lead Decisioning Architect or Lead Decisioning Analyst?

Pegasystems Inc.
@noelj What are the best practices related to Taxonomy, actions and treatments which would help migration when we have future advanced versions of NBAD? Like in later versions of CDH.

Pegasystems Inc.
@modhr1 Is there an approach to migrate customers to NBAD when they have multi-tenancy requirements, simply put marketing team A cannot see what marketing B is doing (separated data, actions, rules, models, etc) in the same CDH instance. I believe we do not support that at product level but has this been enforced in projects? (Is this the case Ranjit mentioned about his work on a Telco?) Do you have any knowledge about what Product Management plans are?

Pegasystems Inc.
@modhr1 Yes, multi-tenancy is not currently supported in CDH. It is in Product Management's backlog and is a priority, but not sure about timelines.
Stephan Vroom

Pegasystems Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
@LindaS @Marcus_D LDAs are experienced SDAs who lead the development on CDH. They are a counterpart of the LSA. They work closely with the business team, translating their marketing strategies for CDH implementation. LDA is not a new role, but it is one that we don't currently have certification or Academy training for as we do for LSA. That said, we are currently developing training programs and certification pathways for LDAs. This will be released soon.

Pegasystems Inc.
@Marcus_D @noelj What are best practices for the structure of the proposition hierarchy to make the best of the engagement policy on the different levels? Especially if the same actions are used in different contexts.

Pegasystems Inc.
@Marcus_D@sundm@noelj@sundmIf you are referencing multi-level decisioning, each Action can be designated to be decisioned for a particular context. Also, Action naming must be unique.@sundm Each Action can only used for a single context.@sundm@sundmHere are a couple examples from the Marketplace with Taxonomy examples: https://community.pega.com/marketplace/components/nba-designer-template-insurance, https://community.pega.com/marketplace/components/nba-designer-template-healthcare

Pegasystems Inc.
@noelj We would like to show the same action on different landing pages. One icalls a mulit-level container, the other an single issue/group-level container. The engagement rules differ for the actions.

Pegasystems Inc.
@noelj In that instance, it sounds like you have two different actions, if the engagement policies differ. What is being presented may be ""the same,"" but creating two Actions sounds like it would support that need more directly.

Pegasystems Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
@noelj Would you recommend a separate environment to support migration? Or can the development environment be used for a migration project?

Pegasystems Inc.
@noelj It depends on the approach, if it's an iterative and phased approach, Dev can likely be leveraged. If it's a ""Big Bang"" approach, a parallel environment would be better.

Pegasystems Inc.
@noelj Yes, if v8.4 leverages the NBAD and the framework, the upgrade will be largely automated. Rigorous regression testing, etc., after upgrade is a best practice to ensure all extension points are working as expected.

Pegasystems Inc.

Pegasystems Inc.
@LindaS @noelj The current GA version is Pega 8.6. NBA Designer and the Framework have added many enhancements from Pega 7.x versions onwards. The Next Best Action (NBA) Designer in its current form started in 8.4 but we are currently at 8.6. This presentation highlights some of the differences.

Pegasystems Inc.
@sundm @LindaS Recordings of past events, decks presented previously, and Q&A can be found at: https://collaborate.pega.com/discussion/cdh-community-events

Pegasystems Inc.
@noelj Is it advisable to use downloadable NBA Designer Template during migration? Are there any plans of adding template for Automobile industry in future versions?

Pegasystems Inc.
@noelj This would likely need to be considered on a project-by-project basis to understand the current structure and if we are moving from NBAD v1 to NBAD v2, etc. If there is a requirement to follow a vertical-specific structure and re-factor the logic accordingly, the template could be beneficial. If the migration is from an existing NBAD v2 implementation, then the template would probably not provide additional value.

Pegasystems Inc.
@modhr1 Does the wiki cover migration from 8.5 to 8.6 (Pega cloud) especially around pre-requisites needed to take full benefit of customer journeys?

Pegasystems Inc.
@modhr1 The wiki specifically covers a path from custom frameworks from any CDH version to NBA Designer v2 (8.3+), so is not version specific beyond that.

Pegasystems Inc.
@modhr1 I have a question regarding your 2 phase solution for migrating in-house strategies to NBA: We have a relatively larger size of products (+400x5), journeys and business rules. Could you please share your successful migration experience of your most complex client and how many sprints did it take to complete?

Pegasystems Inc.
@modhr1 The example I presented is that largest and most successful in EMEA, but I believe there are a number of bigger migrations in North America.

Pegasystems Inc.
@noelj We worry about adaptive learning. We would like to be able to transfer learnings from one context to the other. E.g. we learn from context A, customers from a certain age are interested in presented content of action 1. We would like to benefit from this knowledge when we calculate the propensity for context B where the same content to action 1 is presented. Do you have a solution for this?

Pegasystems Inc.
@noelj It would be interesting to further understand the requirement here. If there are attributes, or contextual items about a customer that would/could be leveraged for future decisioning or re-decisioning, those should be captured and become part of Interaction History. From there, IH Summaries can provide a view into that previous learning or interaction with the customer.

Pegasystems Inc.
@noelj Currently, the Campaigns page is available in NBA Designer to support this requirement, but going forward, Pega encourages clients to transition to an "always on" approach to outbound marketing. The Campaigns landing page will be available to support "one-off" and/or "urgent" communications. The "always on" and omni-channel approach allows clients to leverage machine learning to not only provide the Next Best Action to customers, but also to decide the best channel to communicate with them.

Pegasystems Inc.
@modhr1 Can you talk to the maturity of the relationship between the Action rules and the Product Catalogue. Especially when it comes to pricing products within Actions?

Pegasystems Inc.
@modhr1 NBA Designer does not account for the existence of a Product Catalogue. At its simplest, pricing would be attributes of the Action to which a product is associated with, allowing for 1:1 Ops Manager to manage OOTB. Anything more complex would be implemented in an appropriate extension point.