
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 1 Feb 2022 11:01 EST
CDH Community Event: Effectively Managing Competing Business Priorities in BaU Operations
Robust governance and process are critical to driving a successful BaU (business as usual) operating model. In these sessions, Mark Davies, Sr. Director, Business Excellence, 1:1 Customer Engagement leads a panel of Pega experts including
- Denise Treuil, Principle Marketing Decisioning Consultant
- Regan Wong, Director, Product Management, Marketing Analytics
- Oguz Cavli, Principal Decisioning Architect
- Ritesh Mishra, Principal System Architect
in discussing how organizations can set up CDH governance, identify roles and responsibilities, and implement processes required to ensure successful BaU operations. The sessions also demonstrate the use of Value Finder and Scenario Planner to support these operations.
Watch a replay of either session below, the content in both is the same. The presentation is posted below and Q&A from the sessions can be found in the replies to this post. Please continue the discussion there by replying to the appropriate topic or replying to this post to add a topic!
Replay Session One:
Replay Session Two:
The Q&A from this session are posted as replies to this topic. Please continue the discussion there!
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Pegasystems Inc.
What does BAU stand for?
Updated: 31 Aug 2021 16:19 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
BaU refers to business as usual or the ongoing operations after go live. It is actually not "as usual" because a digital transformation has taken place! But this should become the new normal.
Oguz Cavli

Pegasystems Inc.
How often do you recommend updating production data samples - every day? Once per week?

Pegasystems Inc.
These are generally configured to run daily.

Pegasystems Inc.
How do we define in Value Finder the the" under served" treshold? Is it based on the number of impressions or number of customers eligible?

Pegasystems Inc.
You can define the propensity threshold. If offers for a customer fall below the threshold, then the customer will be counted as underserved. By default, Value Finder assigns a threshold of the bottom 95%, but this value can be customized if required.

Pegasystems Inc.
Will there be a problem if Customer decides to retain the IH data for 12 to 26 months?

Pegasystems Inc.
Most large clients move their Interaction History (IH) data on a daily basis to their inhouse DB and they can retain this data based on their corporate strategy/policies.

Pegasystems Inc.
How do Eligibility, Applicability and Suitability conditions differ from each other?

Pegasystems Inc.
Eligibility is defined as when you will be eligible to get an offer (e.g. You need to be 18+ for getting a credit card). Applicability is defined as when a specific action/offer can be made to a customer (e.g. location based offers, customer meets account balance criteria etc.). Suitability ensures empathy in the actions (e.g. you don't want to offer loan or a credit card to someone with bad credit).

Pegasystems Inc.
Can we include any CDH rule for BAU changes using 1:1 ops manager e.g Data flows, Data transforms, Section rules, or paragraph rules used in treatments?

Pegasystems Inc.
Not every rule type is supported by Ops manager. Data transforms and section rules should be handled by enterprise pipeline.

Pegasystems Inc.
Can one Next Best Action have multiple treatments (e.g. different text) for the same channel? (Based on certain business rules)
Updated: 31 Aug 2021 17:20 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes they can. Adaptive models can be used at the action and treatment level to optimize for both.

Pegasystems Inc.
How do you avoid the NBA Execution Forum becoming a bottle neck? How does it fit with the aspiration to go live everyday?

Pegasystems Inc.
If you have daily releases, then you can run the forum daily.
Mahesh Sundaram

Pegasystems Inc.
What does limited availability mean with respect to Scenario Planner?

Pegasystems Inc.
Limited Availability (LA) Releases indicate that the capability has passed the Preview Release phase, and we intend to take it to a GA status – we just aren’t there yet. It comes with the following caveats:
It fully solves for a base (minimal) number of valuable use cases. However, it is premature in some GA hardened capabilities (e.g. UI errors/warnings, usability, Devops/revision management scripts, implementation & upgrade guides, etc.).
If a client intends to use it in production, we ask that this be discussed with the Customer Decision Hub product team to ensure we can support the intended use case and upgrade path which may involve manual steps, special work, etc.

Pegasystems Inc.
How about using VBD to analyze action performance on production? Would you advise to do that?

Pegasystems Inc.
Presently, we do support analysis of action performance in production VBD, but our long term vision is to shift reporting to the Business Operations Environment (BOE) so customers should start planning for this. In fact, we are targeting some new operational action performance reporting in the BOE for v8.7.

Pegasystems Inc.
As part of governance, do you have thoughts on how we can regulate the huge number of propositions we end up creating over time.

Pegasystems Inc.
Action and Treatment creation should be taken care of by the NBA Execution forum. Once related parties analyze and scrutinize each new Action request, they would be able to control the growth of Action amount. That's the power and responsibility of the forum.

Pegasystems Inc.
Is there any retention policy associated with IH Summaries in Cassandra?

Pegasystems Inc.
By default, there isn't any time to live value for IH Summary data sets and it's not required. These data sets aggregate interaction history in real-time to limit and refine the data that strategies process. For example, you can create a data set that groups all offers that a customer accepted within the last 30 days and use that data set in your strategy. The rule itself, last 30 days, filters IH responses in run-time automatically. Thus, there isn't any need to define a retention policy.

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you please speak to any potential application/system performance concerns we should keep in mind when running simulations?

Pegasystems Inc.
A few things to keep in mind:
- To begin with, make sure that business expectations are discussed and based on those outcomes the BOE is rightly sized. - Always work with sample data sets i.e. avoid running simulations against the entire customer base. - Do not run simulations for every single change request, instead run the simulation for the entire revision package. - Avoid running multiple simulations simultaneously. - Conduct a performance test of the environment before going live and verify if number of threads, partitions, core and memory utilizations are as expected.
- Run multiple test cases to find the most optimum values for your environment / hardware.

Pegasystems Inc.
Are there any best practices or recommendations to archive IH data from main PegaDATA schema if applications are hosted on Pega Cloud?

Pegasystems Inc.
Such activities are taken care of by Pega Cloud and Global Customer Service teams in Pega cloud. On prem implementations can create a separate tablespace for IH schema and apply partitioning on the Fact table based on their corporate needs.

Pegasystems Inc.
When customer data is transferred to BoE environment can that be masked?

Pegasystems Inc.
The data in Business Operations Environment (BOE) should not be masked since BOE, by its definition, is an environment in production zone and must contain real customer data to run accurate simulations.

Pegasystems Inc.
Does pega CDH give any OOTB feature of Next Best Channel? Is it somehow related to Next Best Treatment feature?

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes, propensity can be calculated separately for every treatment. For example, if a customer is most likely to interact with a push notification, an action which has a push notification treatment is most suitable for that customer. The Customer Decision Hub is configured to calculate the propensity for each treatment. This NBA-Designer feature will automatically determine the best treatment for the customer. On top of that custom Adaptive models can always be built to measure channel lift.

Pegasystems Inc.
Where does the Scenario Planner live? Part of BOE?

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes. Scenario Planner is configured to run in the Business Operations Environment (BOE), supported by data that is moved from production to the BOE via the Data Migration pipeline.

Pegasystems Inc.
To learn more about the data migration pipeline, consider taking the https://academy.pega.com/mission/deployment-manager-11-customer-engagement/v1 mission.
For learning about Scenario Planner, consider taking the https://academy.pega.com/mission/optimizing-11-customer-engagement/v1 mission.