
Last activity: 9 Jun 2020 5:09 EDT
Workbasket and Work group mapping
Could you please clarify below two questions regarding workbasket and work group mapping.
Que# 1 : What is the use of default workbasket filed present in Work Group configuration, since workbaskets will be visible on portal based on workgroup associated with workbasket?
Example: WB1, WB2 is default workbasket for WG1, WG2 respectively, and in workbasket configuration WB1 is associated with WG2, if operator OP1 is associated with WG2 as default workgroup then he can see WB1 only on portal.
Quer#2 : If operator is authorized manager of multiple workgroups, in this case how to show all the workbaskets associated with workgroups for which he is authorized manager?
Per my understanding, D_pyWorkbasketsInMyWorkGroupInWidget data page is responsible to fetch all the workbasket list which will be available on portal and the parameter passed is D_PortalContextGlobal.pyActiveWorkGroup.
Data page D_PortalContextGlobal fetches active workgroup based on below logic.
Check if current operator is manager of any workgroup, if yes then fetch only first workgroup, and If no then fetch the default workgroup of the operator, below is the example.
Could you please clarify below two questions regarding workbasket and work group mapping.
Que# 1 : What is the use of default workbasket filed present in Work Group configuration, since workbaskets will be visible on portal based on workgroup associated with workbasket?
Example: WB1, WB2 is default workbasket for WG1, WG2 respectively, and in workbasket configuration WB1 is associated with WG2, if operator OP1 is associated with WG2 as default workgroup then he can see WB1 only on portal.
Quer#2 : If operator is authorized manager of multiple workgroups, in this case how to show all the workbaskets associated with workgroups for which he is authorized manager?
Per my understanding, D_pyWorkbasketsInMyWorkGroupInWidget data page is responsible to fetch all the workbasket list which will be available on portal and the parameter passed is D_PortalContextGlobal.pyActiveWorkGroup.
Data page D_PortalContextGlobal fetches active workgroup based on below logic.
Check if current operator is manager of any workgroup, if yes then fetch only first workgroup, and If no then fetch the default workgroup of the operator, below is the example.
- If operator OP1 is authorized manager of "WG1" and "WG2" and Default workgroup of the operator is "WG3", in this case the Workbasket will be retrieved based on "WG1".
- If operator OP1 is not a authorized manager of any work group, and "WG3" is default work group associated with him, in this case Workbasket will be retrieved base on "WG3"