
Wells Fargo
Last activity: 2 Apr 2020 5:27 EDT
Work object not opened to pyQueuePage in Queue Processor
Hi Team
I configured as dedicated queue processor, with locking as none as I do not need locking on the Work Object. The Step page of Queue-For-Processing is QueuePage of work class with the pyID, pzInsKey of the work object set on to the QueuePage.
As per my understanding, At run time, when the queue processor is executed, the Work object instance should be opened into the pyQueuePage and the queue processor should run in context of the Work Object.
But when traced, found what ever the data we set on QueuePage while adding a Queue entry is only available on the pyQueuePage and the Work object instance is not opened into the pyQueuePage.
Please suggest on the actual behavior, Also let me know if we have any activities executed internally to set the context similar to EstablishContext of Agents for the Queue Processors.