Ford Motor Company
Last activity: 29 Jul 2016 7:51 EDT
Widdth 100% doesn't work on window resize
In pega 7, on layout properties width: Fill (100%) is responding correctly on initial load in IE window, as soon as the window is resized layout remains static in width i.e. if resized to smaller size the content to right goes out of view. Only after refresh it adjusts to resized window.
Appreciate any help on this. Thanks in advance.
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Accepted Solution
Ford Motor Company
As recommended SR was opened to look in a greater detail. During the process of debugging, I found that user workarea has to be upgraded to latest provided by pega7. Once having done that futher CSS clean up was needed as it was conflicting with CSS generated by skin or some other OOTB CSS.
Ford Motor Company
I am refering to smart layout (single). Which accordning to documentation should readjust.
Fill (100%
) — To have the column widths on the user flow action form adjust to fractions of the total width of the user form or flow action form. For example, if you adjust the column on the rule form to be 25 percent of the total width, the column on the user form or flow action form will be 25 percent of the form width, and will grow or shrink if a user resizes the form.- And on the skin I have following defination:
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Afzal
Could you answer the below queries
1) Can you share the document link where you found that smart layout readjusts
2) Can you share the screenshots of the following (this is to understand what is appearing on screen and what you are expecting)
a) layout during window load
b) layout after resizing the window(the erratic one)
c) layout after window resize and then refresh(as per discussion this is what you are expecting)
d) layout configuration
3) Is this issue happening only in IE. Can you check in chrome,firefox and confirm
Pegasystems Inc.
Also let us know the PRPC version you are using.
Ford Motor Company
Prpc version 7.1.9 , window7 & IE11.
Document Link: properties
Assume Blue box as IE11, and orange box as smart layout, 1 is during load, 2 at maxmize, and 3 resize to smaller size.
Layout configuration.
Ford Motor Company
Layout at refresh will go back to 1 in above diagram.
Ford Motor Company
Does this issue needs a SR? What I have observed is width is generated behind the scenes somehow, and it only gets updated at onload event not onchange event.
Accepted Solution
Ford Motor Company
As recommended SR was opened to look in a greater detail. During the process of debugging, I found that user workarea has to be upgraded to latest provided by pega7. Once having done that futher CSS clean up was needed as it was conflicting with CSS generated by skin or some other OOTB CSS.