Generated Mashup code doesn't work
We've just upgrade our PEGA platform from 7.1.8 to 8.3.1, and this is the first time we tried to use embeded Mashup feature of PEGA platform (it used to be a individual applciation prgateway).
We created a Mashup via APP STUDIO > Interfaces > Mashup, and tested it on APP SUDIO, it seems work fine.
And then we copied the generated Mashup code to a JSP file, deployed the JSP file on a Weblogic application. It's not working when we tried to access the Mashup interface via the JSP file.
It just displayed a blank page, no message and no error at all.
Anyone can help would be appreciate.
Thanks in advance.
The generated Mashup code:
We've just upgrade our PEGA platform from 7.1.8 to 8.3.1, and this is the first time we tried to use embeded Mashup feature of PEGA platform (it used to be a individual applciation prgateway).
We created a Mashup via APP STUDIO > Interfaces > Mashup, and tested it on APP SUDIO, it seems work fine.
And then we copied the generated Mashup code to a JSP file, deployed the JSP file on a Weblogic application. It's not working when we tried to access the Mashup interface via the JSP file.
It just displayed a blank page, no message and no error at all.
Anyone can help would be appreciate.
Thanks in advance.
The generated Mashup code:
<!-- ********************** Begin Pega content ********************** -->
<script src =''></script>
<div data-pega-gadgetname ='PegaGadget'
data-pega-action ='display'
data-pega-action-param-harnessname ='MyApproval'
data-pega-action-param-classname ='MTEK-HR-Work'
data-pega-action-param-model =''
data-pega-action-param-readonly ='false'
data-pega-isdeferloaded ='false'
data-pega-applicationname ='MTKBPMApp'
data-pega-threadname ='bpmdev8'
data-pega-resizetype ='stretch'
data-pega-url =''
data-pega-action-param-parameters ='{"pzSkinName":"MTEKApplicationSkin","pyMashupSkeletonName":"pyDefaultMashupSkeleton"}' ></div>
<!-- ********************** End Pega content ********************** -->
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update SR Details***