Constellation docker Image doesn't work
Hi there,
I tried to setup the constellation ui by refering this article:
The Image can be started and but the log shows:
1632713804520 storage-interaction: initialiseStorageServiceAndGUID : ping failed to service : Args = null, null. null
ConstellationUI service (HTTP): listening on port 3443, static root=/usr/src/app/dist, url path=/c11n, nginx=null, loglevel=1
The command line I used is:
docker run -p 3443:3443 -v <<local host folder>>:/usr/src/app/certs --name constellation-service port=3443 httpsKey=key.pem httpsCert=cert.pem urlPath=/c11n logLevel=info
And I tried to configure the settings in Pega Platform based on this url:
The url https://localhost:3443/prweb/constellation is not working. And http://localhost:3443/prweb/constellation is returning 404.
1632731971633 GET localhost:3443 /prweb/constellation
GET 404 /prweb/constellation 7ms
Can anyone help on making the Early Adoptor React UI work?