Wells Fargo
Last activity: 29 Aug 2023 5:53 EDT
When trying to save the Data Set of type "youtube" for the first time after creating it, pega throws error
Hi Community,
In PE V87 when trying to save the Data Set of type "youtube" for the first time after creating it, pega throws the following error in the rule form.
""Java Generation Failed: Exception thrown by "com.pegarules.generated.pega_decisionengine_datasetfua.pzDataSetMethodFinish""
In the log file I could see the below compilation error
"Failed to compile rule: /com/pegarules/generated/
Error compiling: com/pegarules/generated/pega_nlp_youtubedataset; see class's compile log file."
In tracer I could see the "pega.checkJavaGeneration();" method in the Validate activity of class Rule-Decision-DataSet is throwing below error
"Failed to extract 'pega_nlp_youtubedataset' "
Could you please help me on this. Any one resolve this issue let me know.
Thanks in advance.