
Last activity: 24 Aug 2016 22:30 EDT
Save a flag when user logs in for first time
I need to save a value in Pega DB when user clicks on log in . I tried to modify the authentication service and added an extra step to do an obj save . But it throws an error saying we cannot save until authentication is done . How can we save data when user logs in ?
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Accepted Solution

Thank you , I still have not been able to save the flag in the authentication activity. However as an alternative I am now using another activity on start of the portal and this activity saves the flag.


Thank you for the answer.
No , I need to save a Data Page right after First Login.
While doing that I need to compare if the user data matches with the datapage data (Not authentication but using other query strings)
I am able to do the business logic but when it comes to saving the Data Page it does not allow me to.
Smitha Rajasenan

Pegasystems Inc.
What version of PRPC are you using? I can show you how to add a specific role that allows you to open and save these data pages during the login.

Hi - I am using Pega 7.2 . However I realized that my activity uses "Call IACAuthVerification" for authenticating user which could be the reason why the Data Page cannot be saved .
Is there a basic authentication activity that I can use for authenticating my user ?
Thank you for the reply.

Hi ,
I added a Custom Authentication Activity that returns a pyOperator. Now I am able to authenticate and log on to Pega using the new custom auth acitvity,
However I still cannot save a data page from within this activity. I can save it from outside the activity.
In the Clipboard I get a message : pega Database-Authorization-NoModify Access for that datapage.
It allows me to Open and fetch records of the data page but does not allow me to save it from the Activity which is in Code-Security Class. How do I resolve this issue?
Thank you.
Smitha Rajasenan

Pegasystems Inc.
From the error message, it seems that its a read only Data Page. Are directly doing obj-save on a read only data page?
For saving data you will have to copy the data from data page onto a page of the class which you are trying to save.
Hope this helps.
Accepted Solution

Thank you , I still have not been able to save the flag in the authentication activity. However as an alternative I am now using another activity on start of the portal and this activity saves the flag.