
Last activity: 7 May 2023 23:43 EDT
Need to customize dashboard on first time user login.
Currently Iam developing an application in that application the feature should works like below,
On user first time login the user should be able to add the profile data (past experience) but after his first login it should be change to update details or else it should be in disable format. Is there any specific way to do this ?
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 7 May 2023 23:43 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@PasminaM, If I'm understanding the requirement correctly, you want to include a form for someone to fill out if they're logging in for the first time. What happens if they login and their browser runs into issues? Is the expectation that they'll not be able to add their details?
Another option aside from looking at the sign on time is to just look for the profile data itself. If the data exists show a way for the user to update their info. If it doesn't exist, show the form the user would need to complete.
If you want to handle a scenario where someone can elect not to input their information then maybe you can offer them a toggle for them to elect not to?
Just some additional food for thought.

Bits in Glass
@PasminaM you can try using D_GetOperator data page. Use pyLastSignOn property.
If user is logging in for first time, this property would be having empty value I believe.
If not, while logging in you will have to set a flag on operator id instance and then use that flag for your above logic.
Pasmina Musammil

@Anoop Krishna I tried on your first method by considering lastsignon method in several ways. I had shared the screenshot also.
I found that last method was succeed but Iam not sure on it. can anyone confirm it. and if anyone knew the ways of doing this I kindly invite all of you to give answers.
Anoop Krishna

@Anoop Krishna Sure. I will try that second method. Thank you so much for the solution ideas.
Anoop Krishna

Bits in Glass
@PasminaM You can use ApplicationProfileSetup activity to set the flag to operator class. This is an extension activity. Please check below URL.
Pasmina Musammil

@Anoop Krishna sure I will check these too. thank you!
Anoop Krishna
Accepted Solution
Updated: 7 May 2023 23:43 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@PasminaM, If I'm understanding the requirement correctly, you want to include a form for someone to fill out if they're logging in for the first time. What happens if they login and their browser runs into issues? Is the expectation that they'll not be able to add their details?
Another option aside from looking at the sign on time is to just look for the profile data itself. If the data exists show a way for the user to update their info. If it doesn't exist, show the form the user would need to complete.
If you want to handle a scenario where someone can elect not to input their information then maybe you can offer them a toggle for them to elect not to?
Just some additional food for thought.
Pasmina Musammil

yeah, your understanding is right. I totally agree with your answers. and thank you so much. it worked.
in here Im checking that the relevant logged user id has already been recoded on not in the specific table ( user personal details table). the form to be show only if the property field is not recoded earlier, I hope that I had achieved it. may I know that this is what you had said right? and is it correct way?
Thank you so much for the thoughts.
Paul Lemke