When does Pega generates Alerts?
When does Pega generates Alerts? how to read alerts?
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When does Pega generates Alerts? how to read alerts?
Hi Pavani,
Alerts could be generated in any of the cases when the operation crosses the threshold setting or fails to meet the criteria mentioned in the DSS.
You could get the Alerts logs from the Logs landing page in designer studio or in case if you wish to check the summarized alerts from all over the cluster, you can use AES (
Hope this clarified your query.
Thanks Madhuri
Hi Pavani,
When does Pega generates Alerts? -> there are almost 91 alerts that Pega will generate for different scenarios and you can go through this link.
How to read alerts? -> Rajiv specified multiple tools to read alerts over here.
Hope this is what you are looking for.
Additionally if you are into Cloud v2 then by default all the alerts are redirected to PDC and users don't need to look into the raw data.
Thanks Mahesh
Question Solved
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