
US Bank
Last activity: 9 Jul 2018 16:53 EDT
Using PegaCALL with Avaya POM dialer
We have an upcoming project where we will be adding an Avaya POM dialer to our solution. It has a JDK available that could be used to drive screen pop and agent states. The incoming call traffic and click-to-dial traffic goes through an Avaya AES instance. I know we have another Pega CS app that uses PegaCALL with AES, so I know that works. Is it possible for PegaCALL to also integrate with POM dialer to allow for a single CTI integration layer for both inbound and outbound calls?
Our application is currently on PRPC 6.2SP2 with CPM and Collections Framework 6.2.1. The POM JDK needs Java 7, so I know that will not work in out 6.2 installation (which uses Java 6). Second question is, can PegaCALL instance be Pega 7 and CPM instance be 6.2?
(Note: we will be upgrading to Pega 7 but this effort will precede the upgrade.)
Thank you
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags***