
Virtusa IT Consulting
Last activity: 12 Jul 2019 10:50 EDT
Usenocacheheaders doesn't return 'no-store' and 'mustrevalidate' values
We have Usenocacheheaders set to 'true' we are getting values returned properly in one of the environments as 'no-cache,no-store,mustrevalidate' however in a higher environment we see these header values are not returned in response headers by Pega. Due to this issue one of the important functionality of our application (i.e. SSO) is not working.
We have compared the prconfigs,web.xmls and server.xmls across the environments but couldn't find any difference.
Please assist us in isolating the root cause for this behavior with Pega server.
Habeeb Baig
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Habeeb,
I hope you are expecting the output like as follows:
Cache-Control:no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Pega will set the Cache-Control to above values if the value of Usenocacheheaders is set to true and content type of response is either start with "test/" or "application/json". Please let us know if after these conditions also, you are not getting the proper response header from Pega.

Virtusa IT Consulting
Hi Anuj,
Thanks replying!
Yes I am expecting the same output, however it is not behaving as expected that 'must-revalidate' is not showing on the response header.
Could this be issue for which we might have to raise an SR? Kindly confirm this at the earliest so that we can avoid the deferral as it is impacting it in Prod env.
Habeeb Baig
Benjamin Hui shashikalavathi palle Raghavender Reddy Lankapothu

Pegasystems Inc.
Sharing the fiddler log will not be possible in the PSC portal as it will have your internal IP address. Please raise a SR with working and non-working fiddler trace.

Pegasystems Inc.
You should check if you have any web server / load balancer rules that would be altering that header Cache-Control. Those can sometimes override settings provided by Pega.

Virtusa IT Consulting
Is it possible that proxy server can intervene and override the Pega response headers? BTW we do have a proxy server.

Pegasystems Inc.
Are you able to bypass the proxy, web, loadbalancer servers and go directly to the machine directly? If so, try a request and see if you get the results you expect. If so, then there is likely something changing the response header in those servers. Also, are you not getting the header back at all, or is it only containing the 'no-cache' value? How are you specifying the value of the setting UseNoCacheHeaders - in a DSS or prconfig.xml entry?

Virtusa IT Consulting
I will try to respond each of your queries. Please find my responses as below,
- No we are not able to Bypass the proxy, it is required. So I presume the suggestion you have made latter to the first question doesn't apply in our case.
- Yes, we are not getting the header 'Must-revalidate' back at all, but we get 'no-cache' and 'no-store'
- UseNoCacheHeaders was set to 'true' when we replicated the aforementioned issue. And we are using DSS with no prconfig.xml entry.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Habeeb,
Starting 7.1.7, the following setting: add prconfig/HTTP/UseNoCacheHeaders/default as a DSS setting with a value of true and owning ruleset as Pega-Engine) provides the following headers in 7.1.7:
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Pragma: no-cache
I am not sure which version you are running, but I would suggest that you open up an SR so we can get some fiddler traces to see what is going on and why you are not getting the correct headers. Once you open an SR, please reply here with the SR number.

Virtusa IT Consulting
Thanks Brad! I will test one more time by resetting the Cache control flag to true. If it still doesn't work then will proceed with an SR as you and Anuj have suggested.

Virtusa IT Consulting
Here is the SR number SR-C55365

Virtusa IT Consulting

Pegasystems Inc.
Upon reviewing the associated Support Request I see that that was resolved. @ManishB2450 could you share your resolution so that it may help others in the future?

Wolters Kluwer
@ManishB2450 @BaigHabeeb @MarissaRogers
Hi Team, We are facing same issue in v8.1 when content type is text/css or text/javascript. Can some one please share the resolution details for this SR?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Ravi,
From the SR notes, I could determine that root cause was an incorrect version of EAR deployed. If this does not help you, please create a new post with the detailed use case and supporting artifacts.
Bruno Oliveira