
Last activity: 31 Aug 2017 16:27 EDT
CMIS-GetPropertiesResponse doesn't properly map values
I am trying to get document metadata from Alfresco via CMIS Connector.
The server URL which I connect to looks like that: http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.0/atom
See attached: CMIS-getProperties-ActivitySteps.png, CMIS-getProperties-ActivityPages.png
The query works fine, it returns the proper document's metadata, but on the response page everything is mapped to the nonexistent pyProperty page list, not the type specific pyPropertyBoolean, pyPropertyDateTime, pyPropertyDecimal, etc. page lists.
See attached: CMIS-getProperties-Response.png
I checked manually the response XML from Alfresco and it has valid property tags, like: <cmis:propertyBoolean ...>, <cmis:propertyString ...>, etc., so I suspect, the error is on Pega side, in the "invokeCMISConnector" engine function.
Call stack:
My Activity
CMIS-ServiceData / pyGetProperties Activity
CMIS-ServiceData / pyCMISConnector Activity
Connect-CMIS Method
Rule-Connect-CMIS / Invoke internal Activity
Rule-Connect-CMIS / InvokeCMISConnector internal Activity
invokeCMISConnector engine function
There is a Parse XML rule in CMIS-GetPropertiesResponse class which I think should be used for parsing the response from Alfresco. It does not have a mapping for pyProperty, so I guess it is not invoked or not properly invoked. See attached: CMIS-getProperties-Mapping.png
I am trying to get document metadata from Alfresco via CMIS Connector.
The server URL which I connect to looks like that: http://localhost:8080/alfresco/api/-default-/public/cmis/versions/1.0/atom
See attached: CMIS-getProperties-ActivitySteps.png, CMIS-getProperties-ActivityPages.png
The query works fine, it returns the proper document's metadata, but on the response page everything is mapped to the nonexistent pyProperty page list, not the type specific pyPropertyBoolean, pyPropertyDateTime, pyPropertyDecimal, etc. page lists.
See attached: CMIS-getProperties-Response.png
I checked manually the response XML from Alfresco and it has valid property tags, like: <cmis:propertyBoolean ...>, <cmis:propertyString ...>, etc., so I suspect, the error is on Pega side, in the "invokeCMISConnector" engine function.
Call stack:
My Activity
CMIS-ServiceData / pyGetProperties Activity
CMIS-ServiceData / pyCMISConnector Activity
Connect-CMIS Method
Rule-Connect-CMIS / Invoke internal Activity
Rule-Connect-CMIS / InvokeCMISConnector internal Activity
invokeCMISConnector engine function
There is a Parse XML rule in CMIS-GetPropertiesResponse class which I think should be used for parsing the response from Alfresco. It does not have a mapping for pyProperty, so I guess it is not invoked or not properly invoked. See attached: CMIS-getProperties-Mapping.png
Like that I cannot use the response, as there is no pyProperty defined on the response data structure and thus when I try access this property, the Activity shows an error - obviously.
Has anyone encountered this problem before? Am I doing something wrong, or is it really a problem in the Pega engine?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update SR Details***