
Ernst & Young LLP
Last activity: 19 Aug 2019 23:46 EDT
Unable to create a repository in candidate system (i.e QA or SE)
Hi All,
I have created repository is dev system but i am unable to create in SE or QA environment. i have operator id pointing to "PegaRULES:RepositoryAdministrator" and "PegaRULES:RepositoryUser" but still it is showing below error while creating repository.
"Global resource settings are not supported with repositories. Please pick an authentication profile that does not have 'Provide secret access key by reference in clear text' checked."
I have tried by using DMAPPAdminOperator as well, i am trying to create FS as my repository.I have set the password for all operator ids and authentication profiles as part of deployment manager and devops foundation package.
Please let me know how to i create repository other than dev environment.