
T?rkiye Finans Katilim Bankasi
Last activity: 26 Sep 2017 7:39 EDT
Turkish character problem when sorting grid data
I have problem at sorting data in grid, if column data start with Turkish character like "Ş,İ,Ö,Ü,Ç etc".
Has anybody encounter with the same problem?
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Pegasystems Inc.
Can I know the exact issue. Is sorting not performed? or sorted wrongly?

T?rkiye Finans Katilim Bankasi
It is sorting wrongly. I see the same problem in report defination

Pegasystems Inc.
sort in PRPC internally mostly uses compareTo() method and it might be the reason for wrong string compare for turkish characters. Need to check if special handling is done for non English letters or not.
Generally for the Turkish Alphabet abcçdefgğhıijklmnoöprsştuüvyz and applying sort with compareTo() will result in abcdefghijklmnoprstuvyzçöüğış

Yes, I've come across a similar problem before, in some fashion.
When you perform this sort, is this going back to the database to retrieve results or is this simply sorting in Java. That is, if you trace this with DB Query enabled do you see the SQL.
And if this is a DB sort, I assume that the SQL is adding an "order by" clause. Can you please confirm which database type you are using.

T?rkiye Finans Katilim Bankasi
We are using Oracle 12. I'm running the same query in oracle it is sorting correctly

J.P. Morgan Services India PVT Ltd
what prpcversion are you using.?
Also how the DB is saving the turkish character? In a string format?

T?rkiye Finans Katilim Bankasi
we are using version 7.1.7. I'm sorting pyLabel property of Operator. DB is saving Turkish character correctly.

Virtusa IT Consulting
Can you please check and update on what is the value of 'file.encoding' JVM parameter?

T?rkiye Finans Katilim Bankasi
it is UTF-8

Virtusa IT Consulting
Please try with ISO-8859-9 encoding.