
Last activity: 22 May 2020 5:46 EDT
Is there something I have to configure in order to see the notification number on the bell in the dashboard?
I have followed step by step you guide but i am not able to see anything on the bell, neither the notification content nor the number of notifications.
I saw that everything is properly managed by the System-Queue-Notification processor but I see no instances on Pega-Notification classes.
Is there something I have to configure in order to see the notification number on the bell in the dashboard? Or am i wrong in doing/configuring something?
Thank you in advance
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Accepted Solution

I have found the solution!
Basically, my notification rule is correctly set. The issue was, has you expected in the Data Page that stores the recipients references: has a matter of fact, even if you have (or want to reference) only one recipient, you have to provide a Data Page of type List and then populate the pxResults with just the user identifier (or email address, depending on the use).
Using a Data Page of type Page does not work.
Hope this could be useful for others.
Thank you again,

Maantic Inc
Please check queue (Pega v8)or agent pyProcessNotification running in your node , if not restart it
If you are using pega pulse, by adding @<Operatorid> post some message, check the recipient dashboard alert icon- share the result with us
Raghu Aitha

So, i am attaching some images in order to be sure everything is properly configured.
By the way, the answer to your question is: yes, pyProcessNotification Queue Processor is running on the only node i have (i am using the 8.2 Personal Edition).
Can you please have a look at the attachments and check if everything is ok?
Thank you in advance.
Ravinder Arra Nilanjan Sen Paragi Shah

Maantic Inc
Suspecting issue with D_OpertorIDTest Datapage.
1. If you are using pega pulse, by adding @<Operatorid> post some message, check the recipient dashboard alert icon- share the result with us
2 .Try using pega OOTB pyAddUserMentionedPost in the place of NoifyCSR notification rule- if it is works, issue with your notification rule configuration
Suspecting issue with D_OpertorIDTest Datapage.
1. If you are using pega pulse, by adding @<Operatorid> post some message, check the recipient dashboard alert icon- share the result with us
2 .Try using pega OOTB pyAddUserMentionedPost in the place of NoifyCSR notification rule- if it is works, issue with your notification rule configuration
3. Run pxNotify activity, use notification name pyAddUserMentionedPost, add all other params based on your application, share the result with us

Ok, i tried using only pulse and it works.
By the way i am not using pulse and i need to send notification as something in the process happens (like the How-To in this post).
I have noticed that the pyProcessNotification Queue Processor fails to set at least one recipient and so it exits without performing any further step.
I have referenced the notification rule you suggested me within the process and even there it does not work: and this should be the right behaviour as i have no "mention" within the process.
Any other idea?
Accepted Solution

I have found the solution!
Basically, my notification rule is correctly set. The issue was, has you expected in the Data Page that stores the recipients references: has a matter of fact, even if you have (or want to reference) only one recipient, you have to provide a Data Page of type List and then populate the pxResults with just the user identifier (or email address, depending on the use).
Using a Data Page of type Page does not work.
Hope this could be useful for others.
Thank you again,

Maantic Inc
You are Welocome!! Bravo

Capgemini America, Inc
Hi john & Vicio..... iam new to the developing side, i have the same requirement can u please help me to provide end to end configuration of this.....
It would be very helpful if you can provide some info

Hi Pavan,
please refer to
for a step by step guide. I have used this guide to configure the whole functionality.
By the way, as John posted, you have to reference a Data Page of type list in the notification rule, in order to pass the proper set of operator's ID to whom the notification will be sent.
Hope this will help.
Preethi Ageer

Hi all,
I am trying to implement the same thing,however my requirement is to call the notification through an activity.
May you please help me understand how can we call it through an activity?
Appreciate if you folks can help.

Use OOTB pxNotify activity for your need.