
Cognizant Technology Solutions India Private Limited
Last activity: 27 Jun 2019 22:45 EDT
Pega Notification (Notification bell at top right corner)
When customer replies to email sent from Pega, the owner of the case should be notified (Response email will be attached to the case). Notification should pop up in Notification bell available at top right corner of the portal (or any option to display notification in Pega).
Notification gets added to Notification bell list only when doing pulse comments. As far as we checked, there is no OOTB feature available to add notification when email is received.
Approaches tried:
- Created Notification channel and included a property which can be published. Used Publish-Notification option in activity and called created notification channel. It didn’t pop up the notification or added a record in notification list.
- Used Send notification shape in flow and called Notification rule. It also didn’t pop up the notification or added a record in notification list.
Please let us know how to achieve this requirement (similar to facebook notification). We would like to know if there is any OOTB option to display notification in Pega.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****