
Last activity: 6 Jul 2020 9:35 EDT
Start an Interaction and auto-launch an Intent Task using Web Mashup
we have a requirement to start an Interaction that auto-launches an Intent Task using Pega WebMashup. Specifically, we need to start an Inbound Call Interaction and we created a new Intent task called Remote Sale that is already configured to auto-launch using an Intent When.
The combination of Interaction + Intent Task works if we start the Interaction manually using the New menu in the OOTB Interaction Portal: the Interaction starts and, as soon as the CPMInteractionDriver Flow is reached, the Intent Task auto-launches.
However when the Interaction is started using a Web MashUp configured to use the Create New Work action:
- The Intent Task does not auto-launch
- The Add Task OOTB Button does not work (list of suggested tasks is shown on click, but choosing any of its voices does not start the corresponding task)
- The call timer visualized in the Interaction Driver does not work (it remains stuck on --:-- / 05:00)
Here is the HTML code generated using the Web MashUp landing page (both IP and port have been masked using ???):
we have a requirement to start an Interaction that auto-launches an Intent Task using Pega WebMashup. Specifically, we need to start an Inbound Call Interaction and we created a new Intent task called Remote Sale that is already configured to auto-launch using an Intent When.
The combination of Interaction + Intent Task works if we start the Interaction manually using the New menu in the OOTB Interaction Portal: the Interaction starts and, as soon as the CPMInteractionDriver Flow is reached, the Intent Task auto-launches.
However when the Interaction is started using a Web MashUp configured to use the Create New Work action:
- The Intent Task does not auto-launch
- The Add Task OOTB Button does not work (list of suggested tasks is shown on click, but choosing any of its voices does not start the corresponding task)
- The call timer visualized in the Interaction Driver does not work (it remains stuck on --:-- / 05:00)
Here is the HTML code generated using the Web MashUp landing page (both IP and port have been masked using ???):
<!-- ********************** Begin Pega content ********************** -->
<script src ='http://???.???.???.???:?????/prweb/?pyActivity=pzIncludeMashupScripts'></script>
<div data-pega-gadgetname ='PegaGadget'
data-pega-action ='createNewWork'
data-pega-action-param-classname ='UG-Ins-MCCS-Work-Interaction-Call'
data-pega-action-param-flowname ='CPMInteraction'
data-pega-isdeferloaded ='false'
data-pega-applicationname ='MCCS'
data-pega-threadname ='STANDARD'
data-pega-resizetype ='stretch'
data-pega-url ='http://???.???.???.???:?????/prweb/'
data-pega-redirectguests ='true'
data-pega-action-param-parameters ='{"pzSkinName":"MCCS"}' ></div>
<!-- ********************** End Pega content ********************** -->
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Platform Capability tags****