Sometimes email listener require restart to listen the email messages
hi all,
Sometimes email listener require restart to listen the email messages
Is there any setting to handle this
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hi all,
Sometimes email listener require restart to listen the email messages
Is there any setting to handle this
Can you use "trace open rule" to trace the activity or see a stack trace in pega log file to get a clue about why it is stopping ? /Eric
Hi Anuj,
What version of Pega is in use?
Also, do you care about the reason why the email listener failed or are you looking for information about getting it to restart automatically?
We are using Pega7.1.7
I am looking for the solution how to handle this as I saw some mails in mailbox and then I restarted it.
It's not always the case but happen sometimes only
If the listener encounters an error, it should restart automatically after some delay. The following DSS should allow you to adjust this delay:
That being said, if the email listener remains off for over 10 minutes after an issue, that sounds like there may be another issue at play.
If you enable debug on the following class, you should see the listener display how long it's going to sleep for after encountering an error:
In the logs you will see something similar to the following after an error is encountered:
2015-07-28 10:20:32,456 [ EMAIL-Thread-28] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] ( DEBUG EMAIL.IntSampleEmailListener.Listener IntSampleUser - Will sleep for 605 seconds
If this number is VERY large, there is a problem. I know in 7.1.6 there was a hotfix created as this wasn't working correctly on EAR deployments.
Thanks Nicholas,
I am in process of enabling this log but it's not frequent and happens occasionally.
So once this will happen then I will be in situation to debug.
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