
Last activity: 14 Mar 2016 9:46 EDT
Email listeners not starting
I have 2 nodes with 30 listeners. On 1 node all listeners are working on the other node only 27 are running. For the other 3 email listeners I am getting the below error
Listener 'Data-Admin-Connect-EmailListener:US_Inbox1.Listener(' failed to start because of the following error:
Failed to launch listener, InvalidReference =D_EmailSettings.EmailServer.pyHostName Page name (D_EmailSettings) from indirect reference was not found.
Data page is available in the clipboard and the same data page is referred in other 3 listeners.
Any thoughts?
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Hi Suman,
What version of Pega is in use?
Was this ever working?
What values on the non-working email listeners (or associated email accounts) are referencing values on the Data Page?
Do any of the working email listeners (or associated email accounts) reference a data page for their values?

Find the my comments below
What version of Pega is in use?
Pega version is 7.1.7
Was this ever working?
In dev the same configurations are working . SIT we have 2 nodes, on 1 node is working but failing to start on 2nd node. In UAT env its not working on both the nodes. Which is very strange
What values on the non-working email listeners (or associated email accounts) are referencing values on the Data Page?
I did not get your question
Do any of the working email listeners (or associated email accounts) reference a data page for their values?
All the 30 listeners refers the data page for host , port and userid values

Odd that this is occurring for some, but not all.
Are these configured exactly the same in all environments?
In Dev where the configurations are working, are you actually using the listener, or did you just perform a test connection?
There is a hotfix for Pega 7.1.7 that addresses an issue encountered when you reference a property on a Page that is on a Data Page: Hfix-25909
It seems like this hotfix may help you, but perhaps not entirely. You would need to raise a support request to obtain the hotfix, but if you do that I would suggest entering the SR for this issue specifically, not just requesting the hotfix.

Yes they are configured exactly the same and I am not doing the test connectivity.

Can you provide screen shots of the configuration of the problematic email account / email listener and also screen shots of all tabs of the Data Page?

Thanks for reply. We restarted the server with clearing cache at application server and DB cache and issue got resolved. Some times restarting the server with the clear caches is first try to solve these strange issues.

Based on that, it sounds like it's possible that you'll run into this issue again and restarting the server and clearing the cache every time is not a great solution. If the issue does reappear, an SR should be opened for us to dig into it. Could be a caching issue.

Facing one more issue starting the listener. Any thoughts?
Listener 'Data-Admin-Connect-EmailListener:EPAImplEmail_Listener.Listener(' failed to start because of the following error:
Failed to launch listener, Email listener 'Listener.EPAImplEmail_Listener' failed to connect to Email Server - The server indicated that the authentication credentials for this Email Account are incorrect. From: (BD146C6C32252922DE74B70227910E2AA:(MBean Access))

That seems like a standard authentication issue. Ensure the username and password on the Email Account are correct.
In some versions (I can't recall which off the top of my head) there is an issue with having the username or password field be empty and I believe it would also lead to this type of error.

Sure will raise an SR with Pega.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Venkata,
If you have opened an SR related to this question, please let us know the SR number so that we can track it for you within this thread.
Thanks in advance.
Vidyaranjan A V | Community Moderator | Pegasystems Inc.

Thanks. Will keep you updated.