
Last activity: 25 Jun 2018 9:42 EDT
SLA update
I have an SLA for Proposals that use a ProposalSLADeadLine to control when this proposal will expire, but because a business rule issue the system has to update the SLA ad to do this I change the ProposalSLADeadline property with a new deadline date, but my SLA didn't obey this updated.
Do I have to do something more to the SLA? How does the SLA Agent know that I have updated the Date Property?
Where can I find some document to read how is the right way to manage this kind of thing?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability***
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Accepted Solution

I want to inform that I resolved the problem and I want to register the right way to proceed.
Indeed is really necessary to use the two activities
- ActionInitializeAssignmentSLAProps
- ActionChangeWorkSLAProps
And the great tip is if you are making this update in an agent like me (outside of the flow) you have to run the activity WorkCommit to make everything works fine
I understand that this activity will make like a refresh in the case. If anyone has a better explanation I will be thankful

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Antonio,
Please use pyAdjustAssignmentSLA activity to update the SLA.

I don't know if this is important but my SA update happens by an agent wich runs at 11:30 pm in some proposals. So The Proposal is not in the flow.
The pyAdjustAssignmentSLAI is a FlowAction and the Activty pyAdjustSLAPostAction I saw that is not a good one to execut, but I find inside of it the activity pxAdjustSLATimes but I had some errors.
I sumbimted two images.
In the sla_ac.png is an activity that I have created (ChangeSLAByForceps) to test the SLA execution.
- The line one I open the case
- The line three I set the propertis dates
- The line four I execute pxAdjustSLATimes
- The line six I save the case
In the sla_err_ex.png I have the error that I have taken
Any one?

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Antonio,
You are perhaps missing assignment handle of the assignment for which you intend to update the SLA.

Ok, but this SLA is for the case. I don't know how to get this information "handle of the assignment".
Dou you have any tip for me in this case?

Vodafone Shared Services India
If your SLA is case level, can you please try updating properties using 'property-set-special' present on "pyWorkPage.pxFlow(OverallSLA)" page and check.
If your SLA is case level, can you please try updating properties using 'property-set-special' present on "pyWorkPage.pxFlow(OverallSLA)" page and check.
PLease share result if you try this.

Hi Prashantn,
I tried like you sad, but the SLA didn't execute. I'm trying to find the SLA in the queue to see what's happening.
Do you have any tip??
If we have some documentation explain how Pega works with SLA when we have to make changes would be very helpfull...
Accepted Solution

I want to inform that I resolved the problem and I want to register the right way to proceed.
Indeed is really necessary to use the two activities
- ActionInitializeAssignmentSLAProps
- ActionChangeWorkSLAProps
And the great tip is if you are making this update in an agent like me (outside of the flow) you have to run the activity WorkCommit to make everything works fine
I understand that this activity will make like a refresh in the case. If anyone has a better explanation I will be thankful