
Royal Bank of Canada
Last activity: 4 Jan 2019 16:22 EST
single curly right quote is displaying with replacement Unicode symbol in dropdown in IE browser
Hi All, can some one please help me on below queries on how to convert question mark with diamond("�") symbol to curly single quote in dropdown UI display:
Single curly quote is getting replaced with Unicode character though: xFFFD, which is displayed in IE webbrowser as "�". Internet Explorer simply doesn't have a font (a graphical picture) for it, hence displaying the empty square.We are facing this issue in IE browser and in chrome its displaying correctly as single quote in UI.
We are converting this string From ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 and displaying value in dropdown.
The straight right single quote is displaying correctly in IE and Chrome, only for curly right single quote having issue in IE browser.
I have checked charctermap in my system and single curly quote is exist in list.