Setting up the Pega Offline Sync JMeter Framework
We need assistance with setting up the Pega Offline Sync JMeter Framework -
We have several questions regarding variables extraction and steps to run the script.
1. Following instructions, we reached Step 4, where is saying that OAUTHCLIENTNAME variable is posted as part of the pzGetMobileAppConfiguration POST transaction when not configured to use OAuth2 and that this value should be extracted from a Charles or Fiddler trace of the initial sync.
Could you please give us more information about which transaction it should be extracted from?
2. Could you please clarify the need of setting up Decomposed Actions (which process is described in Step 3). Which transactions are affected by using decomposed actions?
By searching in JMeter we found only "Populate Work Start/End" jsr223 samplers, but we didn't fiind any transactions where Decomposed Actions variables would be used.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to change type from General to Product, added Product details and Capability tags****