Session timer is not getting reset upon Client side events, it is only working with any ajax calls/server side actions
Hi All,
I have implemented my session timer as per one of the suggested PDN post (Please find the attachment for the code I implemented).
This code is working fine with both SSO and Non SSO users but only in case of any ajax calls/server side actions. Like when the portal is loaded, the timer starts its countdown till the window period defined in the parameter and when it hits the window time we got a popup describing the session logout is going to happen in timeout time(you mentioned in parameter).
The timer is getting reset when we do any Server side action/ajax calls(opening a work object , refreshing sections etc.)
But if portal is loaded and we are just clicking/scrolling anywhere in the portal(Client side actions), the timer is not getting reset it is still throwing the popup when window time is reached.
As I think, ideally if a user is clicking/ scrolling anywhere in the portal(Client side actions) it should not be counted as ideal but the code is not working for this behaviour. Please suggest about this.