
State of California - Franchise Tax Board
Last activity: 21 Jun 2021 4:33 EDT
Self referencing product definitions
Our current deployment procedure is to create a product definition in our development environment that contains all the rules that will be sent to another environment for testing and eventual production deployment.
The product file is created in a particular RuleSet (example Environmental-RuleSet) that is not included in the list of RuleSet to be sent to the other environment. This because it contains information that is set per environment.
We then include a reference to the product file under the "Individual instances to include" section that has a label (example: "Application full build", "Patch build", etc.) and the pzInsKey for that product.
1. In the other environments, we see the rules are being transferred over but do not see the reference to the build/patch product rule that was created to make the transfer possible.
2. When we get the pzInsKey, the key has a date that is then changed after doing a check in of the product definition. We've tried giving it a wildcard character but it is inconsistent.