Guardrail Warnins in Report Definition and Activity
I have below two questions related to guardrail warnings.
1. If I have to call an activity (in let's say post-processing of a flow action), should I create another activity and call it but it will generate a severe warning or should I call it from Data Transform using pxExecuteAnActivity function and avoid that warning. Is using the function pxExecuteAnActivity frequently to avoid creation of Activities recommended?
2. I have a parametrized Data Page sourced from a report definition which has filters. If no filter is being passed I need to get all the values. However for that I need to uncheck "use null if empty" but that will again add a moderate warning. So I should let it be or create additional report definition and use it as a second source with condition to trigger only if params are empty. There will be no filter in the report definition so no warnnig, however I will have to create an additional rule.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Platform Capability tags****